Privacy policy


Who are we?

The Workplace Wellbeing programme is delivered by Intelligent Health. We are a company in the UK, registered with the ICO under Payment Tier 1, Z1676868. At Intelligent Health, we are committed to maintaining the trust and confidence of our players. Intelligent Health will never sell, rent or trade email lists or personal data with other companies and businesses.

In order to be clear and transparent, this privacy policy provides detailed information on when and why we collect your personal information and how we use it.

What data do you collect for Workplace Wellbeing participants?

As part of running Workplace Wellbeing we have a number of different activities which may involve the collection and handling of your information. Please see a list below describing our different activities and what information we need as part of this.

1. Data that we collect when you access the Workplace Wellbeing interactive learning dashboard

Our Workplace Wellbeing modules are hosted on the Kajabi platform.

You can find more information about how Kajabi processes information you can view the Kajabi privacy policy.

Information on how we collect and use data obtained from cookies, is available on our cookies page.

You can find out how to change your cookies preferences and information on how to control cookies through your browser settings on our cookies page.

2. Data that we collect when you register with the Workplace Wellbeing programme

When you access Workplace Wellbeing learning materials, which are hosted on the Kajabi interactive learning dashboard, for the first time, you will need to register to join our programme. You can find more information about how Kajabi processes information you can view the Kajabi privacy policy. When you register with Kajabi, you will need to provide the following information:

  • First name
  • Last name
  • Email address
  • Password

If you choose to add information to your profile, via settings, we will then also retain the information you provide there.

We collect your personal information and contact details so that:

  • You are able to register to access materials
  • We are able to contact you about your account or programme updates
  • We can periodically contact you to ask for your feedback regarding your experience of the programme.

This usage is dependant on Contractual agreement.

If you do not wish to receive this information, you can contact us to remove your account and remove your personal information from the system. Please note that if you request to remove your account, you will be unable to participate in the programme (apart from attendance at webinars).

3. Data we may collect when you respond to our surveys or Polls:

  • Email address
  • Age range
  • Gender
  • Disability
  • Health information
  • Mental wellbeing
  • Bespoke data providing behavioural insight about employees including, but not limited to, nature connectedness, diet, stress, sleep and social cohesion.
  • For more information on this subject please contact [email protected].
  • Email opening statistics

We collect the information listed here for:

  • Intelligent health to measure the effectiveness of the Workplace Wellbeing programme.
  • Insight into the health and wellbeing of employees to be anonymised and shared with their organisation so they can identify areas of need and address these with future funding/programmes. Information on this will be aggregated so individuals will not be identified.
  • Insight into health and wellbeing of employees for potential academic research - all information will be anonymised.
  • Evidence to be used for academic research into behavioural influences on participation in physical activity and wider health and wellbeing.  
  • Evaluate whether the Workplace Wellbeing programme has led to changes in behaviour

We only carry out this processing where we have your consent to do so. It will be made clear to you upon registration when we are asking you for consent for these purposes.

We process this data in accordance with Article 9(2)(j) of the UK GDPR in accordance with Schedule 1, Part 1, 4 Research of the Data Protection Act 2018 (archiving, research and statistics). This is not shared with the other Party.

Who will my data be shared with?

Workplace Wellbeing is delivered by Intelligent Health who will access data for the reasons stated above. Additionally, to help deliver the programme, your data may be shared with the following third-party processors, on which we carry out due diligence checks:

  • SurveyMonkey – Our surveys are hosted with SurveyMonkey. View SurveyMonkey's Privacy Policy here.

Where you consent to participate in our surveys some of your data will be shared with SurveyMonkey who are based in the USA. As part of this Intelligent Health has employed the services of the Data Protection People who have carried out a Transfer Risk Assessment to ensure that this sharing is carried out securely and compliantly.

If you consent to receive our newsletters, we will use your contact email provided in Kajabi to provide the information.

In respect of the above suppliers, Intelligent Health will ensure that they are risk assessed and subject to appropriate contractual terms.

Summary of how long your data will be kept for different purposes

Unless you have provided explicit authority for data to be kept for longer, data collected in surveys using our third-party provider (Surveymonkey) will be removed from Survey Monkey 26 months after completion of the survey.

Your rights

You may have certain rights in relation to your information. The availability of these rights and the ways in which you can use them are set out below in more detail.

  • Access: you are entitled to ask us if we are processing your information and, if we are, you can request access to your personal information. This enables you to receive a copy of the personal information we hold about you and certain other information about it.
  • Correction: you are entitled to request that any incomplete or inaccurate personal information we hold about you is corrected.
  • Erasure: you are entitled to ask us to delete or remove personal information in certain circumstances. There are also certain exceptions where we may refuse a request for erasure, for example, where the data is required for compliance with law or in connection with claims.
  • Restriction: you are entitled to ask us to suspend the processing of certain personal information about you, for example if you want us to establish the accuracy of your personal information or the reason for processing it.
  • Transfer: you may request the transfer of some of your personal information to another party.
  • Objection: where we are processing your personal information based on a legitimate interest you may challenge this. However, we may be entitled to continue processing your information based on our legitimate interests or where this is relevant to legal claims.
  • Automated decision making and profiling: we do not perform any automated decision-making based on personal data that produces legal effects or similarly significantly affects you.
  • Withdrawal of consent: where you have provided us with your consent for a particular processing activity you can withdraw this at any time. Please note that this will not affect any processing we have undertaken up until your withdrawal.
  • Lodge a complaint with the Regulator: while we hope that we can resolve any queries or address any concerns you may have you will always have the right to lodge a complaint with the relevant Regulator, the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).

Some of these rights will only apply in certain circumstances. If you would like to exercise, or discuss, your rights below please contact us at [email protected], or alternatively you can write to:

Intelligent Health

Reading Enterprise Centre

University of Reading

Earley Gate

Whiteknights Road


RG6 6BU 

Changes to this privacy notice

We keep our privacy policy under regular review and we will place any updates on this webpage. This privacy policy was last updated in August 2023.